Crisis Care Management
When a crisis occurs it is stressful and calls for many decisions. Nashville Care Manager (NCM) can help clients respond to or even avoid crisis by decreasing hospitalizations, identifying appropriate options, providing expert guidance, and saving client’s time and money.
A common and normal reaction to a crisis is, “How do I do this? Where do I turn? What are we going to do? I’ve never been in this situation before…”
Wouldn’t it be great to have someone to call who will be there and someone who knows how to navigate the system? Sudden illness or hospitalization, the death of a spouse, or ANY life changing event can require an immediate need for an expert response and the need to develop a specific plan. NCM has the expertise needed in a crisis. NCM is able to quickly step in and offer direction in the midst of a crisis. Family members can have peace of mind knowing NCM nurses calmly and appropriately handle emergency and/or other stressful situations with dignity, grace and poise.
How Does Crisis Care Management Work?
Each Expert Nashville Care Manager RN will:
Coach families with decision-making. NCM RNs guide families in knowing the resources that are available to them and lead families in considering the costs, availability and quality of their options.
Conduct a personalized care-planning assessment. The assessment looks to identify the client’s problems, need for services, and their eligibility for assistance. The NCM assessment is comprehensive including physical needs, medical concerns, safety risks, mental health, and financial needs. This is done in the client’s home by NCM’s experienced RNs.
Develop a personal care plan and make/coordinate a variety of referrals. The referrals made are client specific and may include some of the following based on the client’s specific needs:
- Personal care services
- Home health services
- Home delivered meals
- Adult day care
- Respite care services
- Medical equipment
- Transportation arrangements
- Medication management
- Home maintenance
- Assisted living facilities & nursing home
- Financial services
- Assistance with long-term care insurance activation
- Serve as Power Of Attorney for healthcare
Coordinate and accompany the client with physician appointments.
Provide ongoing support and supervision to the client and family
Facilitate communication with family members, medical team, and/or other needed professionals.
Contact Us
To learn more about our crisis care management services please contact us.